Alfred Wieser investigated in his research “Semiautomatische Qualitätssicherung von hydrografischen Daten”in which ways quality assurance of hydrographic sensor data can be automated in order that hydrographic measurement data becomes available?
A workflow for plausibilisation, verification, and classification of sensor measurement data for an entire life cycle was developed. The developed model was verified by means of implementation in a use case of the Hydrographic Service Provider of Carinthia. The application of this model proved that formalized expert knowledge together with existing concepts of error analysis and automation of quality assurance processes significantly increases the availability of verified sensor data.
Alfred is working at the University of Applied Sciences Carinthia.
Olaf Kranz successfully defended his PhD thesis “Earth observation in the context of conflict Earth observation for the assessment of environmental changes related to conflict situations in Sub-Saharan Africa”. The thesis investigated opportunities and challenges of satellite EO technology for analysing root causes of human-induced crises with respect to natural and/or strategic resources and related conflict situations, and possibly detecting and mapping hot spots.. The published articles specifically focused on (i) monitoring and change assessment in support of foreign and security policy and humanitarian relief, (ii) population monitoring and environmental impact assessment in the vicinity of IDP/refugee camps, regional focus on Sudan, (iii) artisanal and small-scale mining and logging in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Olaf is now with the British Embassy, UK Science & Innovation Network.
Fast-growing spatial expansion and merging of urban areas on a global scale generate new forms such as megacities, mega-regions or urban corridors. With populations exceeding tens of millions, extents of hundreds of kilometres as well as international boundaries, these areas pose new challenges to authorities including planning and administration. Isabel Georg examined in her thesis “A multi-source geodata approach to spatially delimit Urban Corridors – Unified concept and Global Analysis” the common usage of the term “urban corridors” and provided a global map. She further developed a method to delineate a sample urban corridor and extended that method to a larger area. Overall, this research provides a framework for a further understanding of the spatial structure of large urban areas based on a spatial analysis of their extent using different input datasets. It will also provide valuable information for urban management and planning institutions.
We wish Alfred, Olaf and Isabel all the best for their future career and endavours!