The 2nd EnerGEO Summer School with
the topic “Unlocking the renewable energy potentials for Africa. Biomass &
Solar Energy and the impact on the Environment” was held in Kampala, Uganda,
from March 04 – 13 2013.
The Summer School was jointly organized by the Department
of Geomatics and Land management, Makerere University, and the Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS, University of Salzburg, with support from the
EnerGEO partners German Aerospace Center (DLR), Research Studios Austria (iSPACE) and Netherlands
Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). The program was
complemented by external experts from the Centre for Research in Energy and
Energy Conservation (CREEC) at Makerere University, the National Forestry Resources Research Institute (NaFORRI), and the Centre
of Excellence in Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (CERESD),
Strathmore University, Kenya. 
17 participants from Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia,
South Africa, United Kingdom and Italy with a background in academics but also coming
from governmental institutions and private enterprises participated in the event.
The program covered sessions on energy policies
on a continental, regional and local scale, an introduction to the EnerGEO
project, in-depth presentations and practical sessions on the EnerGEO pilots ‘Biomass’
and ‘Solar’ as well as models to identify optimal biomass plantation locations.
A two day fieldtrip provided insights into the
use of renewable energies in Uganda. The fieldtrip covered a landfill in
Kampala, where methane is being extracted for
energy supply, a solar kiosk in a remote rural area without connection to the power grid, a hydropower station in Jinja, sugar cane plantations and
a managed tropical rain forest.
Thank you to the organizers and all participants
for making it such a special event.