Thursday, April 22, 2021

Successful PhD Defense at Z_GIS


Natural disasters have steadily increased over the last years, particularly floods and landslides. However, many regions are also exposed to multiple threats, depending on their geographic location. Tim Nachappa Gudiyangada investigated these hazards in his doctoral thesis, entitled “Geoinformatics Methods for Multi-Hazards Susceptibility Mapping and Assessments” with a specific approach:

He investigated the hazard component of the risk framework, whereby susceptibility mapping is a crucial step in assessing the probability of the occurrence of the hazard. A susceptibility map identifies the regions that are susceptible to any hazards in the future depending on the greater or lesser possibilities of occurrence. The Thesis particularly contributed to the evaluation of the impact of the influencing features in the susceptibility evaluations.

The thesis specifically evaluated the applicability of the "geon" approach – an object-based aggregation - for susceptibility mapping for the Salzburg region. This specific approach has been successfully applied for landslide and flood assessment, yielding better accuracy than statistical approaches.  Tim developed the first susceptibility maps for the province of Salzburg. Overall, this PhD research offers a methodology that has a better quality precision and can be transferable to other geographical regions. This could be a great advantage for planners and policymakers to identify susceptible regions and to offer tailored mitigation measures and strategies to tackle the occurrence of multi-hazard in the future.

We wish Tim all the best for his future endeavours!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

7. Online MINTwoch - einfach von zu Hause oder von der Schule aus mitexperimentieren

Die MINT:labs Science City Itzling haben im Rahmen des monatlich stattfindenden online MINTwoch- Formats wieder zahlreiche spannende Experimente und Mitmachformate für SchülerInnen aus Österreich und Bayern angeboten.

Den TeilnehmerInnen wurde hierbei die Möglichkeit gegeben, mit den Wissenschaftlern  aus den Bereichen Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik interaktiv in Kontakt zu treten und ihnen bei der Forschung virtuell über die Schulter zu schauen.

Trockene Theorie? Fehlanzeige! 

Die verschiedenen Schulklassen konnten aus verschiedenen Workshopangeboten gemäß ihren Wünschen auswählen. Die Workshops erstreckten sich thematisch über Erdbeobachtung mittels Satellitenbildanalyse, angeboten vom iDEAS:lab, den Eigenschaften & Besonderheiten von mathematischen Knoten im Rahmen der Knotentheorie von der Universität Passau oder praktischen chemischen & physikalischen Experimenten vom PLUS Fachbereich Chemie und Physik der Materialien.

Die Resonanz der siebten Ausgabe des online MINTwoch fiel überdies höchst erfreulich aus. Insgesamt konnten bei dieser Veranstaltung 270 SchülerInnen aus 11 Klassen von vier verschiedenen Schulen als Teilnehmer gewonnen werden. 

Der nächste online MINTwoch ist am 05. Mai 2021 geplant.

Interesse geweckt? Fragen & Infos jederzeit an

Monday, April 5, 2021

EMCDE spring application window, non-scholarship

call for admissionCALL OPEN: April 5, 2021 – June 10, 2021 (23:59 CET), Master of Science study, NON-scholarship

APPLY NOW if you are a student who demonstrates a high degree of commitment and motivation, a strong interest and background in the GEOSPATIAL field of applications as well as in working in international environments. You should fulfill all required academic qualifications for admission with excellent academic results and document high level competences in English language.

We offer an outstanding and distinctive Erasmus Mundus double degree programme experience to our graduate students. The two year full-time integrated programme aims at qualifying individuals to lead initiatives, projects and institutions translating Copernicus data (remote sensing and in-situ) into information for management decisions within a broader Digital Earth vision.

This worldwide open call is designed for European and international candidates with a GEOSPATIAL background applying for Master of Science study on a self-funded (self-payment) basis.

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Paris-Lodron University Salzburg, Prof. Josef Strobl (Joint Programme Coordinator)
Palacky University Olomouc, Prof. Vít VOŽENÍLEK (Selection Committee Chair)
University of South Brittany, Prof. Sébastien Lefèvre (Selection Committee Co-Chair)