The Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg (GI_Forum) July 6-9, 2010 University of Salzburg, AustriaAudienceGI_Forum focuses on an international audience that shares an interest in Applied Geoinformatics. This Call for Papers aims at researchers who design, develop and apply advanced methods and techniques of Geoinformatics to a broad range of application domains.
Themes & Application FieldsGI_Forum solicits contributions on emerging topics and research outcomes related to current Geoinformatics methodology, and especially wishes to attract submissions pertaining to the following topics:
• Advances in Geovisualization and Cartography (in cooperation with InterCarto-InterGIS)
• Spatial Data Infrastructure
• Mobile GIS and Location Based Services
• Digital Terrain Representation and Analysis
• Digital Cities and Urban Sustainability
• Global Change: Monitoring and Modelling
• Vulnerability: Spatial Assessment and Analysis
• Learning with Geoinformation
Submission: Types & DeadlinesGI_Forum 2010 gives authors choices about the type of submission they want to make in order to accommodate a variety of interdisciplinary contributions. Submissions are expected in English language according to the formatting guidelines published on the conference website.
Deadline for submission of full papers for oral presentation and publication in the conference proceedings;
and extended abstracts for discussion sessions: February 1, 2010.
Late deadline for submission of extended abstracts for poster presentation: June 7, 2010.
We will accept online submissions only, starting from December 2009 at
> www.gi-forum.org PublicationAccepted full paper submissions will be published by Wichmann Verlag as a book. Extended abstracts for discussion sessions will be acknowledged in the proceedings.