Z_GIS is very active in developing conceptual frameworks to represent risk and vulnerability analysis in the context of disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and vector-borne diseases. In this context, the department has developed approaches to model and represent vulnerability through innovative spatial analysis methods, going beyond traditional composite indices. This includes the integration of various spatial datasets as well as expert knowledge and participatory approaches at the community level. Assessments have been carried out in Europe (Austria), southern and eastern Africa and South Asia.

A number of different publications on the topic of ‘Spatial Vulnerability Assessments’ have been published recently by Z_GIS researchers
GIZ – The Vulnerability Sourcebook: Concept and guidelines for standardized vulnerability assessments
The sourcebook aims to present a standardized method for vulnerability assessments. This was implemented together with EURAC and adelphi and through the contribution of Stefan Kienberger through a contract by the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)”.
Birkmann J, Kienberger S, Alexander DE (eds.) –
Assessment of Vulnerability to Natural Hazards – A European Perspective. Elsevier
This edited book comprises results from the MOVE project, including the Z_GIS assessment results (and methods) for the Salzach catchment.
Assessment of Vulnerability to Natural Hazards covers the vulnerability of human and environmental systems to climate change and eight natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, landslides, avalanches, forest fires, drought, coastal erosion, and heat waves.
modeling of social vulnerability to malaria in East Africa
A new paper
on the “Spatial-explicitmodeling of social vulnerability to malaria in East Africa” is
now online accessible via the website of the International Journal of Health
Geographics. The paper is one of the key results of the HEALTHY FUTURES
project. It presents the ‘state-of-the-art’ in modelling ‘integrated geons’
including now methods on indicator pre-processing and local sensitivity