Thursday, January 30, 2014

Z_GIS Annual Report 2013 is now online!

The Z_GIS Annual Report 2013 is now online! Get informed about our activities, events and projects in the area of research, education and capacity building.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ready for Horizon2020

On its annual retreat, the Z_GIS division Integrated Spatial Analysis (ISA) got deeper insights into the scope and the various components of the recently launched Horizon2020 EU research programme. A comparative analysis showed a stimulating match between established research areas with programme priorities and topics currently called for. The interdisciplinary character of Z_GIS, our versatile methodological toolbox and the wide range of domain experience enable links to the majority of Societal Challenges, the Leadership Technologies ICT and Space, as well as mobility and training activities in the Excellence domain.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Launch of the Disaster Risk Reduction Information and Knowledge Management System for the Southern East Africa and Indian Ocean Region

Z_GIS established the online information platform together with COOPI to support knowledge exchange between different actors in Mozambique, Malawi and Madagascar. The web based tool comprises an e-library and a Geoportal, where different datasets on health and disaster risk reduction activities can be accessed. Next to COOPI, FAO and UN-HABITAT contributed to this project.

It has been funded through the Disaster Preparedness Program of the European Commission’s Humanitarian Office (DIPECHO) and was jointly implemented with the NGO COOPI.

Contact: Stefan Kienberger, Elisabeth Weinke