The scientific committee was made up of members
of Z_GIS, EURAC, the University Ca'Foscari (Venice), the HVRI /University of South Carolina and the United Nations University. The meeting gathered more than 30 participants
with a high diversity of different thematic backgrounds as well as profiles
from junior to distinguished senior scientists. Discussions and presentations
where held in a very interactive way, which define the unique character of INQUIMUS
workshops as platform of exchange [link to agenda].
The workshop started with an inspirational talk
about ‘The futurist from Salzburg - Robert Jungk’ from Stefan Wally of the Robert Jungk Library for Future Studies. State-of-the-art talks were provided
by various experts and scientists in the field: Hans-Martin Füssel (European Environment Agency, DK), Susan Cutter
(Univ. of South Carolina, USA), Jasper van Vliet (Vrije University,
Institute for Environmental Studies, NL) and Anne Goujon (IIASA, AT).
A range of posters was presented,
including case studies of risk and vulnerability assessments or the development
of new indices or data input for scenarios. As a common conclusion, open issues
to be addressed in the context of ‘risk and vulnerability scenarios’ were
Contact: Z_GIS: Stefan Kienberger, Markus Kerschbaumer
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