EO Summit has been held together with the OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Leuven, Belgium between June 25 and June 27, 2019. The EO Summit was a dissemination event of the
EO4GEO project, organized by KU Leuven. Three main topics have been in the center of discussion:
• technological trends and the potential of a trends watch,
• curriculum design rooted in work processes,
• the space/geospatial sector skills strategy.

As Z_GIS leads the activities related to curriculum design, the provision of input for the discussions around this topic was in the hands of Z_GIS team members: Barbara Hofer, Jochen Albrecht and Florian Albrecht. Curriculum development in the EO4GEO project builds on illustrations of work processes that name performed tasks and involved stakeholders. From these illustrations, key occupational profiles are derived that require modest or comprehensive skills and competencies linked to the EO*GI domain. Curricula – for various qualification levels and for various forms of training – can then be designed taking the requirements of job profiles into consideration. Jochen Albrecht emphasized the potential for organizations of making work processes explicit as this may provide insights on the efficient use of resources. Florian Albrecht talked the audience through the specific work process example of landslide mapping.
In a break-out session, participants discussed work processes that EO4GEO should focus on with specific emphasis on the sub-sectors of the project: climate change, smart cities, integrated applications.
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