Monday, July 7, 2014

Coupling weather generation and hydrological modelling

Date: Thursday, July, 10, 2014; 12:30 – 13:30

Place: Techno-Z, ZGIS-meeting room: SC30EG0.E07 (Schillerstraße 30, building 15)

Presenter: Korbinian Breinl (University of Salzburg, Z_GIS)

Hydrological impact assessment is usually conducted by coupling stochastic weather generation with hydrological modelling. Stochastic weather generators simulate synthetic weather data while maintaining statistical properties of the observations. They are typically used when the observation time series are too short or when multiple synthetic realizations of the observations data are required for uncertainty or extreme event analyses. Furthermore, stochastic weather generators can be parameterized to simulate the impact of climate change. Similar to a large variety of hydrological models, numerous types of stochastic weather generators of different levels of complexity are available. This brownbag will give an overview of various applications of such tools, thereby addressing the following topics: - What is the idea behind stochastic weather generators and what type of models do exist? - What types of hydrological models are available? - What is the best model choice for hydrological impact assessment (e.g. flood hazard assessment)? - How can the impact of climate change be simulated with such tools?

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