Based on experience and success from last years, Salzburg University's Academic Senate this week has implemented a revised curriculum. Valid immediately for all students registering from fall semester 2013/14, this curriculum offers an attractive pathway towards an up-to-date qualification in Geoinformatics and Geographic Information Science:
- Learning through 'Integrated Projects': competences in geo-application development, in the implementation of services as components of SDI, and in the management of complex geospatial projects are acquired through problem-based learning in major project classes.
- Internships in industry are a requirement successfully bridging gaps from academia to professional practice in a range of application domains.
- A choice of advanced methodologies in remote sensing, spatial analytics, geostatistics, geovisualisation, location based services and geosimulation support the development of in-depth competence in a range of methods.
This highly regarded and widely recognized Masters in 'Applied Geoinformatics' is based at the Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS, an international centre of competence for Geoinformatics and its application. For further details and contacts, please visit!