With the emergence and constant progression of web2.0, spatial communications has gained new importance: Geographic (geo-)media is becoming more and more integrated into the constantly flowing stream of social media information. Objects, events, and even people are georeferenced. “Virtual reality” becomes an “augmented reality”, closely connected to the requirements and needs of life. These changes in the everyday use of geo-media have a huge impact on our everyday relationships with space and, in consequence, they create a big challenge for state of the art geographical education.
Inga Gryl (University Duisburg-Essen), Tobias Nehrdich (University Jena) and Robert Vogler (Z_GIS/digital:earth:education) recently published the edited book „geo@web. Medium, Räumlichkeit und geographische Bildung“ which focusses on discussing some of these new challenges by providing 13 papers (252 pages) from an interdisciplinary perspective, including geographic information science, social geography, geography education, media science, sociology and more.