A week-long international workshop entitled 'Geographically Integrated Natural Disaster Management' (geoNDM) focussing on interdisciplinary faculty development was conducted by the Department of Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), University of Salzburg, Austria. The workshop was hosted by the Faculty of Technology and Environment (FTE), Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Phuket Campus from 26th to 31st August, 2012 and was co-funded by ASEA Uninet, Austria.
24 teachers and post-graduate students from Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand participated in the workshop. Prof. Josef Strobl (Z_GIS Chair) introduced the participants to the concepts and technologies involved in real time information for disaster management, based on crowd sourcing for facilitating coordinated emergency response and effective management. Dr. Shahnawaz from Z_GIS conducted practical sessions which were supported by Dr. Chanida Suwanprasit from PSU.
During the workshop, participants developed individual projects following the concepts of geographical information science and completed the practical part with ArcGIS Desktop software.
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