Monday, March 22, 2010

Förderpreis für Geoinformatik 2010 an UNIGIS Absolventen Jens Krumpe

Der vom Runden Tisch GISe.V. verliehene Förderpreis Geoinformatik 2010 ging dieses Jahr unter anderem auch an den UNIGIS Absolventen Jens Krumpe für seine Master Thesis:
"Multiattributive Raumbewertung mit verteilten Geoinformationen-Für ein entscheidungsunterstützendes System in der Umweltrisikobewertung."

Wir gratulieren recht herzlich!

Mehr Information zum Förderpreis Geoinformatik 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Summer School Announcement

Coordinated with the AGIT und GI_Forum conferences, Z_GIS has announced that the semester will be finishing with two summer schools:

  • EnviSDI – “Spatial Data Infrastructure for environmental datasets”
  • GISLERS - "Bridging GIS, Landscape Ecology and Remote Sensing for Landscape Planning"

Both events will be opening on June 29, 2010 and conclude on July 9. Registration is open until May 15, but may close earlier due to limited spaces available. For registration and further details please visit our websites -see links above- or contact us at or, respectively.

2009 Z_GIS Report Published

Again, the Centre for Geoinformatics Annual Report has been published as a record of achievements summarizing the previous year. Starting with an overview of our institutional mission and recent development trends this booklet introduces current Z_GIS faculty and then presents highlights from research projects, presents the impressive statistics of UNIGIS programs and details the outcomes from the AGIT and GI_Forum conferences. Overall, this brochure is directed at our project partners, highlighting the competences and capacities Z_GIS is offering through collaborative research and various kinds of joint initiatives.

The 'AR2009' is available in print and for download from For hardcopy orders and for feedback, please contact the editor - Dagmar.Baumgartner[at]